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a pink jazzmaster

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This is the video I made to show my dissertation project in use. It ties together with the Project Poster I made to fully describe the project. I am proud of this as it was my first attempt at video editing, and although it's pretty minimal I feel like I got the job done to the quality it needed to be.
This was shown together with the poster at a convention styled event where students on my course displayed their dissertation projects, which was a great experience to see everyone's hard work.

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Here is the poster I created in Photoshop to display with the video. It is a high level look at how the full system works as well as a discussion of the results gathered from having people test the MAX/MSP Jitter software.
MAX/MSP is the program I used for this project, it is a powerful tool that can communicate with any input and output technology that is is connected to.

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This was my final year Vision and Sound project. We were given this movie without any audio and we had to completely create the sound effects, ambiences and compose the score. I really enjoy some of the compositions I did for this, I feel as though it was some of my best, probably because I was working with reigns rather than having free control over all aspects of the music.